Confit de canard aux champignons, lardons, pommes de terre, salade ( Duck confit with mushrooms, bacon, potatoes and salad) | 21€ |
Tagliatelles au foie gras et aux morilles (Tagliatelli with home made foie gras and morel mushrooms) | 25€ |
Tagliatelles aux escargots de Bourgogne et aux morilles (Tagliatelli with Burgandy snails and morel mushrooms) | 24€ |
Lasagnes, salade verte (Lasagnes with green salad) | 19€ |
La salade aux blancs de volaille pochés Carottes, raisins secs, et pignons de pin (Salad with poached breast of chicken, carots, dried graps and pine nuts) | 20€ |
La salade Truffes Fromage de brebis aux truffes, jambon de Serrano et noix ( Salad with Serrano ham, sheep cheese with truffles, nuts) | 22€ |
Salade de filets de cailles et foie gras aux pommes de terre tièdes (Salad with quail filets with home made foie gras and lukewarm potatoes) | 24€ |
Salade à la viande des Grisons et au chèvre frais (Salad with air dried beef and fresh goat cheese) | 20€ |
Salade au saumon fumé, oeuf dur (Salad with smoked salmon, boiled egg and lemon) | 20€ |
Salade végétarienne avec œuf dur (Vegetarian salad with hard boiled egg) | 16€ |